Saturday, May 10, 2014

Bread and Wine

I haven't heard much buzz about Bread & Wine, but saw that a friend had gone here, and I usually trust her finds. This place is in the Old Irving Park neighborhood, just off the highway. So easy access for those of us that now live in the suburbs (womp).

When we first arrived, we were thrilled to find that there is a free parking lot out front of the restaurant. I have since learned that this is because it used to be an old laundromat. My immediate reaction after stepping into the restaurant was that the lights were on way too bright and it killed the ambiance a bit. They finally turned the lights down after about an hour. The music was good though, and the place has a nice neighborhood vibe. They have a great bar while you wait, and there is also chefs seating available, in which you can sit at another bar and watch the chefs cook.

The staff was super friendly and made good recommendations (like pointing out we probably shouldn't order a starter of pommes frites when our main entree burgers come with fries on the side). The service was terribly slow and it got annoying after a while. We had to wave someone down to get a second cocktail, and even to pay our bill. The menu is small, which is expected for a small restaurant, and the menu was good but not amazing. I wasn't dying to have several things, and it was clear what I was going to order after looking at the menu for a couple of minutes. That being said, the burger that we both ordered was amazing - cooked just the way we asked it to be, and had amazing beef bacon on it. Yum. The desserts were totally killer. The carmel popcorn panna cotta is a MUST.

Overall, I liked this place but wouldn't put it on my must go to list. I also wouldn't recommend this place for out of town visitors, and the location is pretty out there. If you are an adventurous restaurant goer though, and like to explore, but this on your list.

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