Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Summer House Santa Monica

I could go on and on listing off the wonderful things about this place. The atmosphere is absolutely amazing, and you truly feel like you're in Southern California. Come to this place in the winter if you need a dose of summer! Also, the people at this restaurant were extremely attractive. I was actually getting distracted because of how good looking the men were. Clearly I need to be coming here more often!

The food was slightly expensive though. We ended up with a decently hefty bill at the end of the evening. If I were to do it over again, I would probably share some of the small plates with a pasta entree. Just don't eat too much before you go, because you'll want to save yourself for the carb heavy menu and amazing pastas. The service was great though, and all the waitstaff were all super friendly.

The only negative is how hard it is to get a reservation, and the weak cocktails. We had to make a reservation a month in advance! Although all the cocktails looked amazing, they were not strong enough...at all. Stick with the wine here. Especially because the featured winery on the menu was Sanford. Good pick!

Overall I would highly recommend coming to this place! And make sure to take home some goodies for yourself from the bakery at the front of the restaurant. 

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