Thursday, June 6, 2013

Quinoa Pancakes

Last weekend we went to Green Lake and I was introduced by my sisters friends to quinoa pancakes. They were so good that I had to share the recipe. Each pancake is only 100 calories, and they are very filling. We ate breakfast around 9am and I wasn't hungry for lunch until 3pm. The recipe came from a book called True Food by Dr. Andrew Weil.

2 cups red quinoa
2 cups all-purpose flour
1/4 cup evaporated cane sugar
2 tablespoons + 1.5 teaspoons baking powder
pinch of salt
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
2 cups milk (or whatever you want to substitute)
4 large eggs (or egg substitute)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon canola or vegetable oil
1 cup blueberries or other berries

Bring a saucepan with 4 cups of water of 1 teaspoon salt to a boil. Add the quinoa and stir. Lower the heat to a simmer, cover, and cook until the quinoa is dry and fluffy, about 20 minutes.
Combine the flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, and cinnamon in a large bowl. Whisk well to combine. In another large bowl, combine the milk, eggs, vanilla, and canola oil and whisk to combine. Add the dry ingredients to the wet and blend until just combined. Fold in the cooked quinoa, taking care not to over mix. Let the batter rest for at least 1 hour.

Lightly brush the cooking surface of a nonstick pan or griddle with canola oil. Lade about 1/3 cup of the batter too the hot pan. Drop 8 to 10 berries on top of each pancake (or don't, if you want them plain). When bubbles form in the batter, flip and cook on the other side until lightly browned. Continue with the remaining batter and berries. Optional: serve topped with a dollop of Greek-style plain or vanilla nonfat yogurt and maple syrup.

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