Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Four Seasons ...Christmas Tea

So I am clearly still playing catch up, as I am writing about Christmas Tea. Me and two of my girlfriends go to tea every year during the holidays and it's become a fun tradition. We like to try out new places and decided to go to The Four Seasons this year.

Let's just start this by saying I would have had fun on this occasion no matter where I was going because of the company, but it could have been better if we went somewhere else. When booking tea, the Four Seasons seemed like a good option. This was the first year they were doing such a thing and they were really excited on the phone. They had what seemed to be a good menu and promised lots of Christmas decorations. Well, when we got there the reservation was extremely late, and the decorations were few and far between. The staff was fine, but nothing impressive...and very slow. The food was decent - there were lots of very tasty sweets, but if the savory stuff is your thing, don't come here.

Overall, my recommendation would be to stick to the oldies but goodies for holiday tea, being The Peninsula or The Drake. I have been to both of these and have phenomenal experiences I'll remember forever. A word to the wise though, I had to book Christmas Tea at the Peninsula a YEAR in advance!

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