Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Stella Barra Pizzeria

If you know anything about me, you know I love pizza. So I had to try Stella Barra Pizzeria in Lincoln Park, which was opened by Lettuce Entertain You and is the sister restaurant to Summer House Santa Monica, which is next door. This place has been getting rave reviews and seemed like the perfect spot for a girls night out. Although I always have an amazing time with these girls, this place definitely made it even better.

The artisan pizzas were truly amazing, and the menu has so many good options that we almost had to play eeni meeni miney mo to make our choices. We settled on three pizzas, my favorite being the Prosciutto and Farm Egg. I know that to some a runny egg on pizza sounds disgusting, but man oh man do I have a newfound love for egg on pizza! The crust was also to die for. There are also salads and pastas, but we didn't try any of those. We did try one of the vegetable sides, and the brussel sprouts were delicious. If I could make brussel sprouts like that, I might eat vegetables more often. This is the type of menu that you could order anything and be happy. The prices are also incredibly reasonable, considering you generally split a pizza anyways. The less money you spend on food means the more money you can spend on wine and cocktails!

The ambiance was great. The walls are painted a dark almost black color with black subway tile, dim lighting and wooden tables with tea lights. I didn't like our seating though. We were seated in a raised booth that was open on one side, so you weren't able to face the people at your table. Great for people watching though... I would have rather watched MY people though.

Overall, although this wasn't one of my all time favorite most amazing restaurants ever, it definitely is a great place to go and is an easy place to grab a good bite in a chic setting with friends. You should definitely come here if you live in Chicago, or heck, even bring out of towners here if you're up in Lincoln Park!

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