Sunday, July 7, 2013

Fourth of July Treats

I had this entire past week off from work for the 4th of July and had a blast up at my family's summer house in Green Lake, Wisconsin. My cousin has the best view for the fireworks, so she invited us all over to her place. We were in charge of dessert and much to Pinterests credit, we brought some tasty and festive treats.

The first was an ice cream sandwich with red, white and blue sprinkles. These could not have been easier and took maybe five minutes to put together. The key with these was letting the ice cream get soft on the car ride home so the sprinkles stuck. And how cute is the result?

The second dessert was inspired by my sisters homemade strawberry jam, as one of the batches was more syrupy than the others. We baked dark chocolate brownies, poured some strawberry jam on top, then put fresh cut strawberries and blueberries, topped with whipped cream. These were such a treat and a huge hit. We did a few samples of layering to figure out how to make them look best, and I would definitely recommend putting any type of syrup on the bottom. Also, as you can see, since you're layering, I highly recommend separating out portions before putting everything in the cup - going back is much harder!

And how gorgeous is this view? So lucky to have such perfect weather the whole week!

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