Saturday, March 16, 2013

Graham Elliot Bistro

Last night the boyfriend took me to a restaurant of my choice to continue the celebration of my new job. I chose Graham Elliot Bistro on Restaurant Row. Immediately after walking into this place the staff and soft upbeat music make you feel welcome. This is a casual version of Graham Elliot, which is distinguished by the subtle rock-and-roll theme, more industrial feel, lack of white table clothes and open kitchen. The floors and ceiling are painted black and there are candles lining the whole restaurant. This is my kind of place - chic and nice without being formal and stuffy.

As for the food, there is a mix of appetizers, salads, pastas and entrees. We ordered one entree, one pasta and one appetizer and it was more than enough food. I wasn't stuffed but left feeling full. The special of the night was bacon wrapped rabbit with brussel sprouts and parsnips. My favorite dish we ordered was the beer and cheedar risotto with bacon and apples.

And check this out....the bill came attached to an old record. It's the little touches that make places unique!

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