Sunday, March 31, 2013

Lincoln Square Tour

Saturday I visited a girlfriend in her Lincoln Square neighborhood. She gave me a walking tour of some of her favorite places. As if I wasn't convinced already, I can see myself living there.

First stop was a chocolate banana eclair at Cafe Selmarie. So yummy. Banana and chocolate is the best combo.

Next stop was a latte at Le Cafe. I know it seems like I am obsessed with light fixtures, but check this out. And my friend told me that the owner makes them herself!

After grabbing a latte we stopped quickly into a little art shop. They had this Boston Terrier print. I thought about getting it, but then realized people might start to consider me the crazy dog lady.

As we were wrapping up our afternoon we sporadically decided to get pedicures at my friends favorite salon. Such a treat and so necessary with this potential sandal weather around the corner.

Lincoln Square is a must go to for an afternoon of walking around and enjoying one of the many neighborhoods Chicago has to offer.