Friday, May 10, 2013

Going Back to Cali

This past weekend was my five year reunion at Scripps College. My girlfriends and I decided to go back to campus and celebrate together. And now begins my weekend in pictures.

My dear friend Laura and I both live in Chicago so we flew together.

Laura and I spent Thursday night at her aunt and uncles house before the rest of our crew got to town on Friday. Laura's aunt and uncle live only a short distance from our campus and became my second family during college. This weekend they spoiled us rotten and gave us their fancy convertible, set us up to sleep in their RV (which is in the backyard), and took us to In n Out. The combination of all of these things made it a wonderful first night in California!

On Friday we met up with our best girlfriends at Patty's, which was THE burrito place in Claremont. I think the colleges have kept this place alive.

After lunch we went to campus to explore. The pool is like a resort and I could spend the rest of my days walking around that campus. 

After exploring the campus we went to a Friday night wine tasting that the college hosted. The wines were from vineyards of Claremont College families. They also gave us these adorable wine glasses.

After the wine tasting, we went into town for a cocktail and dinner. We went to Casa 425 for a cocktail and they have a fabulous outdoor space with lights wrapped around the trees - I was in heaven. 

Saturday Laura and I started the day with a 5k. This was my first organized race and Laura was such a goody buddy to go along with me.

After the race, we went to meet up with the rest of the girls and spent the day lounging by the hotel pool, and on campus having lunch, walking through the dorms, buying Scripps gear, getting 21 Choices frozen yogurt (which is a Claremont favorite), and having a champagne toast.

Sadly Sunday came around and it was time to go  home. We were sent off with a mariachi brunch, as it was Cinco de Mayo. 

As always, it is very hard to say good bye to these dear friends. So thankful that I met all of them in college.